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Renewed Strength In My Rejection

Posted March 25, 2024

Renewed Strength In My Rejection

The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. Psalm 118:22

Devotional: As a child, I recalled often being the last person chosen to participate in various games regardless of the sport. Whether it was football, basketball, or baseball, because of my lack of athleticism and being overweight, I was overlooked and many times, felt rejected. This particular verse speaks of being rejected but not being defeated. Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of our lives whose grace and mercy are keeping us upright, even right now, is making ways out of no ways for us because His power is greater than that of the enemy.  Thereby, we maintain our glaze to the hills which comes our help and joy in Him and Him alone!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for not denying us even while we were yet sinners; we love you and we give you glory for your great love and compassion toward us!  Thank you, Father, for forgiving us when we have denied you and desired to do things our way.  We praise you right now for being the glue and cement of our lives; thank you for keeping us intact and reminding us that without you, we cannot accomplish anything, in the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, we pray, Amen!

Reflective Question: When you feel rejected or alone, how do you react when it seems God is not there?

Tags: mercy, grace, strength, rejection, psalm 118, weekly devotional


Bill Montague Mar 25, 2024

Thank you Lord for your unfailing love!

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